Portuguese Adjectives

Adjectives in Portuguese An adjective is a word whose main role is to modify a noun or pronoun, giving more information about the noun or pronoun's definition.

Portuguese, as with any Romance language, has the same adjective rules; that is why the adjectives in Portuguese language come after a noun. However, there are some important rules that you must keep in mind.

Note 1: The gender and number (singular or plural) of all adjectives must always agree with the accompanying noun.

Adjectives in Portuguese

English Portuguese
Adjectives Adjetivos
bad mau / má
beautiful bonito(a)
big grande
delicious delicioso(a)
easy fácil
empty vazio(a)
fair justo(a)
free livre
full cheio(a)
fun divertido(a)
generous generoso(a)
good bom  / boa
honest  honesto(a)
intelligent  inteligente
long longo(a)
low baixo(a)
new novo(a)
old velho(a)
polite educado(a)
poor pobre
responsible responsável
rich rico(a)
sad triste
small pequeno(a)
strong forte
tall alto(a)
thin magro(a)
tired cansado(a)
ugly feio(a)

  • My brother is fat.
  • Meu irmão é gordo.

  • My cat is Black.
  • Meu gato é preto.

  • A white shirt.
  • Uma camisa branca.

  • That house is very old.
  • Aquela casa é muito antiga.

  • My father is very intelligent.
  • Meu pai é muito inteligente.

As we can see, it is not difficult to learn Portuguese adjectives; all you can need is, definitely, being eager to learn.

Portuguese Adjectives Videos

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