Body Parts in Portuguese

Body Parts in Portuguese The basic vocabulary about body parts in Portuguese language is an essential part to learn new words in Portuguese. These Portuguese words will help you structure from the most simple sentences to the most complex one. If you learn the names of body parts in Portuguese language, you will be able to describe anyone.

The Portuguese word of body parts will allow Portuguese learners to have a wide lexicon. These words are not very complicated to learn, all words of body part in Portuguese language are very common, and people use them every day. The following table has the most common words for body parts both English and Portuguese language. This table will help Portuguese learners practice the writing form of those words.

Portuguese Body Parts

English Portuguese
eyes olhos
mouth boca
head cabeça
eyelashes cílios
nose nariz
hair cabelo
brain cérebro
cheek bochecha
lips lábios
forehead testa
neck pescoço
ears orelhas
tongue língua
teeth dentes
chest peito
belly barriga
arm braço
hand mão
finger dedo
nail unha
waist cintura
leg perna
knee joelho
feet pés
toes artelhos (dedos dos pés)
back costas
heart coração
stomach estômago
skin pele

  • Peter's fingers are small.
  • Dedos de Pedro são pequenas.

  • Dora forgot to put sun block on her face.
  • Dora esqueceu de colocar protetor solar no rosto.

  • Ronaldo uses sunglasses to care their eyes.
  • Ronaldo usa óculos de sol para cuidar de seus olhos.

  • Mary has a beautiful and large hair.
  • Mary tem um cabelo bonito e grande.

  • Everybody rise up their hands to give their opinions.
  • Todo mundo se levantam as mãos para dar as suas opiniões.

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