Professions in Portuguese The vocabulary about professions in Portuguese can be like another language, although Portuguese words have some special details. These new Portuguese words about professions and jobs will help you to have a wide vocabulary.

If you have a larger vocabulary you will be able to structure complex sentences, and you will soon begin speaking Portuguese very well.

The table below displays the most common professions you can learn in Portuguese language. Each word is both in English and Portuguese language.

If you need other resources to improve you Portuguese knowledge about professions, you will find videos in the end of this page. These videos will help you practice you Portuguese pronunciation.

Portuguese Vocabulary for Professions

English Portuguese
male lawyer advogado
male student aluno
male archaeologist arqueólogo
male architect arquiteto
actor ator
male ballet dancer bailarino
male bank clerk bancário
male biologist biólogo
male firefighter bombeiro
male hairstylist cabeleireiro
male singer cantor
male surgeon cirurgião
male accountant contador
male nurse enfermeiro
male engineer engenheiro
male writer escritor
male judge juiz
male mechanic mecânico
male doctor médico
male painter pintor
poet poeta
male teacher professor
male psychologist psicólogo
salesman vendedor
male veterinarian veterinário
male chemist químico

English Portuguese
female lawyer advogada
female student aluna
female archaeologist arqueóloga
female architect arquiteta
actress atriz
female ballet dancer bailarina
female bank clerk bancária
female biologist bióloga
female firefighter bombeira
female hairstylist cabeleireira
female singer cantora
female surgeon cirurgiã
female accountant contadora
female nurse enfermeira
female engineer engenheira
female writer escritora
female judge juíza
female mechanic mecânica
female doctor médica
female painter pintora
poetess poetisa
female teacher professora
female psychologist psicóloga
saleswoman vendedora
female veterinarian veterinária
female chemist química

  • Mary is a good teacher.
  • Maria é um bom professor.

  • He wants to be an engineer.
  • Ele quer ser engenheiro.

  • These law-company has well-trained lawyers.
  • Estas direito das sociedades tem bem treinados advogados.

  • Your doctor is very kind.
  • Seu médico é muito gentil.

  • They need an architect to build their home.
  • Eles precisam de um arquiteto para construir a sua casa.

 Portuguese Professions Videos

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